Web Hosting Affiliate Program

Earn passive income with our easy affiliate program! Recurring payouts up to 30% which is one of the highest in the industry!

Generate passive-income just by referring others to our services with our very generous affiliate program.

How our affiliate program works

As outlined, all you need to do is have an active account in our customer portal. If you don’t already have an account, just sign up for free. You do not need to purchase anything for an account. However, please fill out all your details accurately because we need them in order to pay you. Once you have an account, activate your affiliate status. You’ll be given some links to use and banners. You can always create your own images, too. Please, be respectful of our trademarks. If we find images that we don’t like, we’ll reach out and have you change them. 
The links you will be given can be customized. By default, they will show your affiliate ID and they’ll redirect to our home page. But you can setup special links to redirect to other pages on our website too. Just append “&page=<page>” to the URL. For example, appending “&page=dedicated” will redirect people to our dedicated servers page

We pay up to a 30% recurring commission. *30% is the maximum commission rate we currently offer without any promotions. Here is our standard commission payout by product:

  • Shared Hosting: 5%
  • Reseller Hosting: 10%
  • Virtual Private Servers: 5%
  • Dedicated Servers (Bargain Bin): 10%
  • Dedicated Servers (Regular): 15%
  • Dedicated Servers (Custom Build): 20%
  • Dedicated Servers (Premium): 30%
  • Domain Names: 5%
  • Web Services (professional email, SSL certificates, etc.): 5%

All commissions are paid recurring for the cycle the referred customer signs up for. We also delay initial commission by 60 days. Why the delay? We offer a standard 45-day money back guarantee on most services. This ensures that your referral stays. After 60 days, you’ll see two months of commission in your account. If your referral signs up for quarterly or longer, we’ll deposit the initial commission after 60 days. Your next commission will be paid out at their next billing date. We have found this to be the most fair for everyone. 

Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions

By signing up and joining our affiliate program, you are bound to these terms and conditions. Failure to follow these rules can invalidate your program membership, forfeit commissions, and determine your eligibility for continuing a partnership relationship.

  1. You must disclose where ever you place an affiliate link that the link is an affiliate link and you will earn a commission. This is a requirement of the Federal Trade Commission. 
  2. You may not give the impression or say you are employed by or representing NodeSpace Hosting or our parent company Xinsto, LLC, in any official capacity. 
  3. You may change the appearance of affiliate links using URL shorteners or redirections (e.g. example.com/dedicated-servers), but you are still required to disclose that it is an affiliate link.
  4. You must comply with all applicable rules and laws when it comes to advertising. For example, if a group or forum explicitly says they do not allow affiliate links, do not post your affiliate link. Likewise, do not “spamvertise” your affiliate link. 
  5. You may use our branding such as colors and logos to create your own marketing materials, however please be respective of our brand. If you are unsure, please ask us for approval. Our marketing team can also create custom graphics for you.
  6. Do not falsify affiliate sales. If we determine you are using your own link to make purchases, we will cancel any fraudulent commissions, including commissions already paid.
  7. Commissions can only be paid out either as PayPal payments or Account Credit once the minimum threshold is reached. This is typically $50. The amount can be changed at any time. Our Billing Team will be more than happy to process payments and answer any questions.