Unlimited hosting is not unlimited.

If you have an “unlimited” web hosting plan or are considering one, take it from a web hosting provider about why unlimited hosting is the worst plan to buy.

"Unlimited" is very limited...

Web hosting providers with “unlimited” disk space and “unlimited” bandwidth are not being upfront with you. In fact, they are lying to you. First, there’s no such thing as unlimited disk space. All storage has limits – whether your host uses local storage or SAN storage. 

Check the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy. This is where you’ll find the true limits of “unlimited” plans. You may find that there is a restriction on the type of files you can have in your account and how they must be used. More often than not, you’ll find that while your disk space is unlimited, you will actually have an inode limit.

1 inode = 1 file or directory. That means if you have a 250,000 inode limit, your account can only contain a maximum of 250,000 files and directories! Web hosting accounts have many more files than you might think – it’s not just your website. Log files, databases, emails, cache files, and more will all count towards your inode limit. That doesn’t sound very unlimited, does it?

We believe in honest, transparent limits

When you look at our hosting plans, you’ll find there are disk space and bandwidth limits. That’s because there are no silly rules about how you can use the disk space and bandwidth you pay for. If you end up going over your plan limit, that’s okay! We planned for that! Each account actually has 20% of additional resources for free. We also warn you when you’re at 85% of your plan limits so you never have surprise fees. That’s the NodeSpace difference.

Ready to change your hosting provider?

Find your perfect plan below! We’ll migrate your website for FREE! Not sure which plan is right for you or need something else? Let’s talk and we’ll help you find the right plan.


Just getting started.
  • 10 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 300 GB Bandwidth
  • Free Website Builder
  • WordPress Toolkit Deluxe
  • Unlimited Features
  • Addon Domains
  • Parked Domains
  • SSH Access
  • Node.js / Python / Ruby


When you just need basics.
  • 20 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 600 GB Bandwidth
  • Free Website Builder
  • WordPress Toolkit Deluxe
  • Unlimited Features
  • 1 Addon Domain
  • 5 Parked Domains
  • SSH Access
  • Node.js / Python/ Ruby


Only the essentials.
  • 60 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 1 TB Bandwidth
  • Free Website Builder
  • WordPress Toolkit Deluxe
  • Unlimited Features
  • 5 Addon Domains
  • 10 Parked Domains
  • SSH Access
  • Node.js / Python / Ruby


The essentials plus more (get it?)
  • 160 GB NVMe Disk Space
  • 2 TB Bandwidth
  • Free Website Builder
  • WordPress Toolkit Deluxe
  • Unlimited Features
  • 10 Addon Domains
  • 20 Parked Domains
  • SSH Access
  • Node.js / Python / Ruby