Jetpack WordPress Plugin is now 6 Individual Plugins

Automattic, the company behind WordPress and Jetpack, has announced that the main Jetpack plugin is now a “build your own Jetpack”. This new approach allows site owners to install only the features they want or need. This is a great approach to customization, as well as site security.

Six Jetpack Plugins

Jetpack is now available as six individual plugins that provide different functionality. You can install or remove any of these as your needs change. Jetpack has said they will add more plugins as well.

Jetpack Backup

The name says it all. This plugin will help you backup and restore your WordPress site by utilizing Jetpack’s backup infrastructure and storage. Additionally, when you use the Jetpack mobile app, you can restore your website from anywhere with the push of a button. This is a paid plugin.

Jetpack Protect

This is a security plugin that helps you protect your website from serious vulnerabilities. This plugin will scan your site on occasion and warn you if something is not looking right so that you can stay ahead of any bad actors. This plugin is free.

Jetpack Boost

When you think of “Jetpack”, this is probably the one feature that comes to mind. Jetpack Boost can help websites improve speed by using the free CDN, optimizing files, and making some minor tweaks to help speed things up. This plugin is free.

Jetpack Social

The goal of this plugin is to “write once, publish everywhere.” Jetpack Social helps you integrate all your different channels into a single location so you don’t have to try and remember if you published your latest post on your Facebook feed and your Twitter feed. Or maybe you only posted it on Reddit? This is a free plugin.

Jetpack Search

If your website has a lot of content, adding a more powerful search can help your visitors discover it. That is the goal of Jetpack Search. It includes helpful algorithms to make predictive searching easier as well as suggesting content your visitors might be trying to find. This is a paid plugin.

Jetpack CRM

If you use your WordPress site for managing client work, you should use Jetpack CRM. This helpful plugin lets you manage your clients and customers, collect leads, track invoices, and more. It will even hook into WooCommerce. This is a free plugin.

The classic Jetpack plugin’s future

If you’re still using the “all in one” Jetpack plugin, you don’t have to suddenly figure out what you’re using. Automattic is still going to continue to keep the classic Jetpack plugin working, although they have said that eventually it will go away. New features won’t be added, but you don’t have to panic about moving everything over yet. You still have plenty of time.

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